Monday, March 7, 2011

Kimber Comes to Visit!

After Curtis and I returned home with Harley, Holly, and Lars from Thanksgiving, and we met Gidget and her family in the arroyo, Kimber came to visit!  Jamie and Jason had separate trips they needed to make -- so -- Kimber (Yellow Girl) came to stay with us while they were gone.

Jamie dropped Kimber off the Monday evening after Thanksgiving.  I was concerned about Holly's behavior -- but she did great!  I kept the shock collar on her for 24 hours, and then she was fine.  Do you suppose she remembered Kimber being her favorite puppy?  It used to scare me so much how she carried Kimber all over the house.  I found that poor puppy behind doors, on beds with Holly... it's a good thing puppies squawk!

Kimber was really scared when she first arrived, and Jamie had to coax her in the door.  After Jamie left, our first order of business?  Yep -- walking.  That seemed to break the ice, and then Kimber and Lars spent the rest of the week rough-housing non-stop.

She quickly got into the routine.  Here, Curtis snaps a photo before taking the four dogs walking.  Check out those ears on Kimber -- she still hasn't grown into them!  She is such an interesting mix of Harley and Holly.  She is darker than Dex, Gidge, Jade and Bella, but lighter than Lars and Sasha.  She has Holly's beautiful nose.  But where did she get those ears?  Does that mean she is going to be a really big girl?

Kimber comes to visit for the week after Thanksgiving.  Curtis leashes
everybody up, and takes them walking.  Going counter-clockwise from
front to back:  Lars, Kimber, Holly, Harley.

Now, you might not realize how attached to all of the dogs Curtis has become.  But, here he snuggles up for a nap with Kimber.  How precious is this?

Kimber's visit.  Here, she snoozes with Curtis.
Here is another famous Curtis photo.  He regularly takes pictures of the dogs while he is out walking.  Unfortunately, you can barely see Kimber -- she is way in the back on the right.  But they faithfully get walked twice a day, once by Curtis and once by me, rain or shine.

Curtis out walking with the dogs.  From left to right:  Harley, Lars, Holly,
and buried way in the back, Kimber.
Here is Kimber, hanging out in the family room,  getting spoiled, and not following Jamie's and Jason's rules.  But she is so cute!  She quickly became a part of the pack, and really enjoyed being with the dogs.  Hmmmm .... do you think it is true that the dog family comes before the human family?  And it was so interesting how she was immediately integrated into the pack.  Harley took on the responsibility of correcting her behavior, and Holly actually played with her!  And Lars -- he was in hog heaven.  He has very much missed having a built-in playmate since Jade (Pinkie) went to her home.

Kimber hanging out with the pack.  She was quite at home after a few hours.
I actually think she remembers our home!
Here is another "classic Curtis" snapshot.  He says he is in search of the perfect photo both looking down on the dogs, and also sideways at their profiles.  Now, this is not the same picture that was in the last post about Thanksgiving -- that was a Harley-Holly-Lars-Dex snapshot.  This is a Harley-Holly-Lars-Kimber snapshot!

Curtis' quest for the perfect walking photo.  From left
to right:  Harley, Lars, Holly, Kimber.
Oh my gosh.  This photo could win a contest.  Kimber is just too photogenic.  The only thing I am unhappy about is how she is up over the back of my sofa.  But I have to forgive that because this is such an adorable photo...

Miss Photogenic Kimber.  Isn't she adorable?  And here, it looks like
she knows it!
It is just so great to see the puppies grow and develop.  Kimber is beautiful and smart.  She is also very protective, and Jason and Jamie are working with her on this.  Kimber has recently graduated from intermediate puppy school.  Go Kimber!

Next up -- my trip to Japan.  Stay tuned!

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